Waste Management Systems
Lincoln Sentry
Lincoln Sentry offer a wide range and sizes for in-drawer and free standing waste management systems.
Introducing Hideaway Bins from Häfele, waste-disposal solutions so clever, they slide effortlessly inside your cabinetry to remain discreetly hidden from sight.
Cutlery/Storage Inserts
ORGA-LINE’s containers and utensil dividers for drawers and its cross and longside dividers for pull-outs give you huge scope for designing and organising furniture interiors. Various combinations of utensil dividers and containers. Clear visibility and secure storage of items in different pull-out applications
Spice Racks
Lincoln Sentry
Lincoln Sentry offers a range of spice racks with trays that have a wide rim, which can be cut down to the internal drawer dimensions. Any and all spice racks can be cut to suit the required draw.
Corner Units
Hafele's corner systems let you maximise storage in hard to reach corner cabinets. Once installed these accessories make it easy for everyone to access. Fully assembled with soft close function.
LED Lighting
Lincoln Sentry
Lincoln Sentry offer recessed, surface-mount and linear luminaires, transformers and switches for all kinds of LED lighting needs.